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2024 News

2024. 12. 16: Our research article on "Glucose Monitoring by using Bacteria" has been featured in news media outlets.

2024. 11. 6 - Prof. Choi has once again been recognized among the "World Top 2% Scientists," according to research conducted by Stanford Univeristy. Impressively, he ranks within the top 1%.

2024. 11. 6: Our research article on moist-electric generators has been featured in many news media outlets.

2024. 11. 5: Our research article on "Living CO2 Sensor" has been accepted by Advanced Engineering Materials. (IF 3.4)

2024. 11. 4: Our research article on "Glucose Monitoring" has been accepted by Microsystems & Nanoengineering. (IF 7.7)

2024. 11. 1 - Exciting News! The university has created a short video about our artifical plant - Check it out!

2024. 10. 21: Two papers have been accepted for presentations at the MEMS 2025


 Hybrid Energy Harvesting from Sweat & Abmient Moisture



 3D-printed Stainless Steel Electrodes for Microbial Fuel Cells

 Anwar with Dr. Liu's Group

2024. 10. 9: Maryam had an insightful interview with WBNG News, discussing her recent groundbraking work on artificial plants.

2024. 10. 4: Our research article on Artificial plants has been featured in many news media outlets.

2024. 9. 30: ProF. Choi provided an invited talk titled "Micro-, Nano-, and Bio-Technologies for Medical Applications" at the Medical Engineering Department of the University of South Flrorida.

2024. 9. 16: Our NSF award has now been prominetly featured in the news media.

2024. 9. 13: Our research article on "Moist-electric generator" has been accepted by Small. (IF 13.0)

2024. 8. 16: We are happy to welcome Ruohan "Astrid" Zhang to our group.

2024. 8. 2: Lula successfully completed her NSF REU Program with oustanding achievements.

2024. 8. 1: Dr. Choi as a sole-PI has received $550k grant from NSF for research on biobattery-integrated electronics.

2024. 8. 1: Lexi Gao has been appointed as the new lab manager for our group.

2024. 8. 1: Our research article on "Artificial plants for enhanced indoor carbon capture and utilization" has been accepted by Advanced Sustainable Systems. (IF 7.1)

2024. 7. 30: Our wound dressing has been featured in many news media outlets.

2024. 7. 25: Anwar successfully defended his PhD today. Congratulations on both his PhD and his new faculty position at Binghamton University.

2024. 7. 16: We are excited to announce that our group member, Anwar Elhadad, will be joining our ECE department as a tenure-track assistant professor. His exceptional accomplishments in research, teaching, and lab management have earned him significnat recognition at Binghamton University.

2024. 7. 11: Our aquatic robot has been featured in many news media outlets.

2024. 6. 27: Dr. Choi's dedication and accomplishments in energy research have been highlighted in the BU College Magazine.

2024. 6. 24: Our research article has been highlighted as the front cover feature in the journal Advanced Sustainable Systems. (IF 7.1)

2024. 6. 24: Our research article on "Wound Infection Treatment" has been accepted by ACS Applied Materials & Interaces. (IF 8.3)

2024. 6. 20 - Prof. Choi has been invited ato serve as a member of the Technical Program Committee (TPC) of PowerMEMS 2024, MEMS 2025 and Transducers 2025.  


2024. 6. 18 - Dr. Choi has been invited to give a talk at the 2025 MRS Spring, scheduled to take place from April 7-11 in Seattle, Washington, USA (Symposium SU04: Sustainability-Protons in Solids, Fluids, and Molecules)

2024. 6. 12: Our research article on "Self-powered Aquatic Robots" has been accepted by Advanced Materials Technologies. (IF 6.8)

2024. 6. 2 ~ 6. 6: We successfully made 3 research presentations at Hilton Head Workshop 2024: A Solid-state Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems Workshop.


 Janus Paper-based moist-electric generator (Oral presentation)

 Yang and Anwar


 Paper-based Organic Transisors for Biosensing

 Zahra and Maryam


 Probiotic Ingestible Capsules


2024. 5. 28: We are delighted to welcome Lula Baldriche to our team as part of the summer NSF REU program. Over the next 10 weeks, Lula will be focuing on the development of paper-based biobatteris, an innovative and promising area of research.

2024. 5. 12: Dr. Choi is organizing a special issue of the journal Sensors, dedicated to the forefront of innovation in BioMEMS, Biosensors, and Microfluidics. We invite you to contribute your research and insights on these dynamic fields.

2024. 4. 22: We are thrilled to announce that our group's PhD alumna, Arwa Fraiwan, will be joining Louisiana Tech University as a tenure-track assistant professor. We are immensely proud of her achievement.

2024. 4. 22: Our research article on "Combined Electrical-Electrochemical Phenotypic Profiling of Antibiotic Susceptibility of In Vitro Biofilm Models" has been accepted by Analyst. (IF 4.2)

2024. 4. 8: Prof. Choi has been invited to serve on the Executive Technical Program Committee (ETPC) for the 23rd international conference on Solit-State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems (Transducers 2025), which will be held in Orlando, Flrorida, from June 29 to July 3, 2025.

2024. 3. 26: Congratulations to Lexi for passing her PHD prospectus exam!

2024. 3. 26 - Dr. Choi has received a SUNY Research Seed Grant, $40,000 to support his NSF revised submission.

2024. 3. 21 - Zahra has received a Graduate Student Excellence Award for Excellence in Research for 2024.

2024. 3. 15: Zahra had an enlightening interview with WBNG News, where she delved into the innovative world of her papertonics creations.

2024. 3. 14: Our papertronic work has been featured in many news deia outlets.


2024. 3. 6: Prof. Choi delivered an invited talk at TMS 2024 (Title: Advanced Materials and Manufaturing Processes for Transient Papertronics)

2024. 2. 29: Three papers have been accepted for oral and poster presentations at the Hilton Head Workshop 2024


 Janus Paper-based moist-electric generator (Oral presentation)

 Yang and Anwar


 Paper-based Organic Transisors for Biosensing

 Zahra and Maryam


 Probiotic Ingestible Capsules


2024. 2. 23: Congratulations to Maryam for passing her prospectus exam!

2024. 2. 14: Our research article on "Papertronics" has been accepted by Advanced Sustainable Systems. (IF 7.1)

2024. 2. 1: Prof. Choi has received an esteemed invitation to deliver a lecture at the Department of Medical Engineering, University of South Florida (September 30th, 2024).


2024. 1. 21 ~ 1. 25: We successfully made 5 research presentations at IEEE MEMS 2024 Conference. Dr. Choi played a pivotal role in the confernce, serving on the Technical Program Committee. He also contributed expertise as the session chair for Session XIII, which focuses on Environmental and Biotechnology Innovations. Lexi's biosensor work was selected as a finalist for the Best Poster Award Competition.